FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Understanding the Wrinkly Spreaders: a guide to BSCI283

Audience: Teaching Assistants for BSCI283, perhaps students as well.

Context: Principles of Microbiology Lab

Purpose: The Wrinkly Spreaders lab is a 9 part, 5 week long lab that BSCI283 students must complete while also working on other labs. This makes it confusing and complicated, because it can't all be done at once. A TA guide for this lab in particular might be helpful.

Concerns: I'm not sure how long this would end up being. My guess is no more than 5 pages.

ALTERNATIVELY: I have to write a proposal for the fall about my Honors Thesis Project. I think it would be helpful to turn my final project into my proposal.

Audience: Dr. Zhongchi Liu, director of the CBMG Departmental Honors Program

Context: CBMG Departmental Honors Program requires a project proposal to be written by the beginning of one's second semester in the program.

Purpose: This would be very helpful to me, because it would allow me some feedback as I write my Honors Proposal. This can build off my research review, because my project can be connected to mRNA degradation. The overall purpose would be to get my project approved as my Honors Thesis work for the Honors Program.
April 9, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterACS
A -- OF COURSE, the honors proposal work. This class is to support your emerging professional career. So, tell me what that area will be? Is theMRNA degradation the object of study? Or is this a methodology under development?

You must start with a lit. review, but I expect you have a specific hypothesis in mind, too, as well as an experiment design.,
April 9, 2015 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea