FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Finding Sponsors for Hackathons

Audience: Students who are interested in organizing hackathons. This guide is more specific to the sponsorship role in the organizing team.

Context: Hackathons are becoming more popular across the nation. At UMD, Bitcamp and Technica dominate the scene but there still exists a few other small ones. As new organizers come in, they do not know how to attract sponsors or where to start.

Purpose: This guide will teach the audience the ways of successfully landing sponsors for hackathons. Sponsors are crucial to the success of any hackathon. Every hackathon require money and resources to function. This guide will go through the entire process step by step in great detail.

Document Type: A guide combining the experiences of the current organizers of Bitcamp, Technica, and past organizers of successful hackathons in the country.
May 8, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterRC
This is a great idea! I feel as if many of us sometimes struggle with talking, approaching, and speaking with our sponsors. We may be too shy or too bold when asking. We should also be aware of how we react in the beginning and towards the end. I would love to read a guide on this!
November 30, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterB.P.