FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on Unconventional Superconductors
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Glad you have a real project for a real audience.
November 29, 2018 |
Marybeth Shea
Audience The audience includes folks such as: physicists in condensed matter physics, nuclear physicists, and materials scientists. This includes undergraduates, graduate students, and principal investigators.
Context In the midst of determining the superconducting order parameter in different superconductors, scientists are curious about the viability of gamma-irradiation as a source of disorder. I will present my data and analysis for my project done under the supervision of Dr. JP P. I will present an introduction that contains some theoretical background and context within related past work. After this, I will present experimental methods and my data. Finally, I will discuss the results and summarize my main findings.
Purpose This paper is mainly to know about these effects on a microscopic level, but I will also describe experimental methods so that readers will know how to do this experiment.
DOCUMENT TYPE This document type is “research results.” This document could also be considered a mixed document in that there will be equations, figures, and text.
Design/format LaTeX double column APS-style from the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide: (
Citation style The citation protocol described on page 7 and 8 in the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide: (