FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Uncovering Intracellular Signaling Cascades Implicated in B-Lymphocyte Plasma Membrane Wounding: A Proposal and Roadmap of Future Work

Audience: The intended audience of this document is the members of Dr. Wenxia Song’s immunology lab, my undergraduate thesis committee, my PI, and other biological science professors and students at UMD.

Context: This document will provide the first comprehensive review of my undergraduate research project, in terms of a global review of necessary background, and an explicit definition of methodology

Purpose: this document will lay the groundwork for my undergraduate thesis by providing a comprehensive literature review, methodology explanation, and depiction of preliminary data that will guide the writing of my formal proposal and eventual thesis defense.

Document Type: mostly proposal-based, yet also being highly similar to the science review article that was written in class

Design/Format: Beginning with section caption of introduction and a discussion of necessary background information in this project. Then, I will progress to the methodology section of the paper, concluding with some preliminary data and anticipated challenges

Citation Style: Curated links, in-text citations, and a formal Council of Science Editors citation page.
November 28, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBP
Does your lab use CSE style? Do you have the manual? Is a special version of APA, the author date system.

This looks like a good plan, and as you know, you may turn in the sections to me that are most complete.

Will you also use document design to include a companion protocol sheet for some of your particular methods?
November 29, 2018 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea