FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Understanding What Your Genetics Say About You: Interpretations and Limitations of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing

Audience: Members of the general public who are thinking about doing or has had done direct-to-consumer genetic testing

Context: People do direct to consumer genetic testing in order to learn more about their ancestry and their health. They are provided with a number of reports and sequences as a result. These reports clearly point out the results of the tests, but limitations of the tests are often only briefly described or described with more complex terms which can make it difficult to understand the impact of the results.

Purpose: To know about some direct to consumer genetic tests and how to interpret the results based on the capabilities and limitations of the science underlying the tests.

Document type: Blog post

Design/Format: Multiple sections and subsections with images interspersed. It will briefly go over the different types of direct-to-consumer testing and example companies, then will pick two to go into more detail with, explaining how the test works, what the results look like, what the limitations are, and concluding with what useful information one can reasonably get from the results of direct-to-consumer testing.

Citation Style: Natural language and referral links with APA citation at the bottom of the document.
November 28, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterEH
I can't wait to read this! Given how science is often skewed in the media, I think it's really important for the general public to understand the limitations of the exciting stories that we hear about in popular science media, and of course also what realistic conclusions can be made
November 28, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterYL
E, three blog posts? Otherwise, I think your information volume is rather larger for this important topic. Look at the blogs at AAAS Science for models. Will you look at several ones: Ancestry, 23 and Me, or another one? Will you focus on the health ones or the family history ones?

Developing your bibliography will give you some ideas about how to narrow this topic down.

You could join the DNA Detectives page on FB and ask permission to interview a few people. Really good user source, with that sort of applied expertise.
November 29, 2018 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea