FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > How to Effectively Study for the MCAT and its Data Analysis

Audience: Pre-med students who are about to start studying for their MCAT

Context: The MCAT is scary and it can be hard to start studying or knowing where to start. A study guide/study plan is an important first step to beginning. Additionally, there are graphs and data that are part of the sections which can be hard to properly analyze so a guide to how to interpret them will also be included.

Purpose: Assist pre-med students prepare effectively for the MCAT.

Document Type: A guide with steps.

Citation Style: informal with links for study plan and formal literature citations for example graphs.
April 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJR
J -- necessary topic. Are you finding sources and guidance that is open? Much of this is hidden in the companies that make their living off of test prep.

Would data visualization and data literacy sources help? See me for a session in office hours on this.

You might also interview a few classmates who have taken the test, both in our sections BUT in your network of friends. Interviews and quotes are a primary source, of anecdotes, by people with the authority of having taken the test.
April 21, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS