FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > A Guide to the Importance and Logistics of Collecting Insects in Maryland

Audience: Entomology students and hobbyists interested in starting an insect collection in Maryland

Context: A large review paper was published recently which discussed the greater rate of extinction of insect species as opposed to rates of extinction in vertebrates. Although this guide is not for a research scientist, an introduction to the topic could get a new group of people involved in citizen science surveys of native insect populations. The guide will also include directions on taking proper field notes which can also be helpful beyond just the purposes of compiling an insect collection.

Purpose: This document will inform the reader of the importance of insect monitoring and how to collect and preserve insect specimens. It will also have information related to dangerous and endangered species in Maryland.

Document Type: Informative guide

Design/Format: The beginning will be a memo concerning insect decline which will build interest kind of like a cognitive wedge. The rest of the document will be a guide to taking notes in the field, what species to avoid or look out for in the field, and how to preserve specimens once back from the field. This order will follow the natural flow of collection creation.

Citation Style: Both referral links and APA as well as natural language where appropriate
April 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHS
H -- you have another audience other than just campus: AP bio students or AP environmental science.

Quick comment. Does decline mean that insect collections can exacerbate a local extirpation event? Would one solution be to collect in groups or by a class? Also, can collections be offered to natural history museums or universities, to be a time record of species?

This document could grow VERY LARGE. Let's see where to narrow or slice this, as in you write about 1/2 of the real document for me and include outline of other natural sections.
April 21, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS