FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > The Effect of Metabolic Disease on B cells and Subsequently, Visceral Adipose Tissue and Fat

Audience: Researchers who are working with the pancreas and visceral adipose tissue in the context of autoimmunity or metabolic disorders. More specifically, the information in this paper can be used by undergraduates in the the Song lab on campus at UMD.

Context: Previously, the immunological component of type 2 diabetes was not clear. Most symptoms of the disease were attributed to the metabolic aspect of the disease. However, recent research has shown that the immune system likely plays an important role in these metabolic disorders as well. We will use mice with impaired fat metabolism and special diets to determine the impact of impaired fat metabolism on the immune system. It is important to have a strong background on specific organs to determine whether our mutant mice have been impacted as we expect.

Purpose: This document will provide a strong background into the working of the pancreas and visceral fat tissue in a healthy organism compared to a organism with autoimmunity due to the effect of impaired fat metabolism on the immune system, specifically B cells.

Document type: Informative research review. Two main parts - one focusing on the pancreas and the other focusing on the visceral adipose tissue.

Citation style: APA citation and referral links.
April 22, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSF
S, this analysis is to establish the intellectual context for this lab work, right?

Undergraduates new to the Song lab will perform better at lab tasks if they understand the conceptual frame of investigation.

How will you select the papers? Dr.Song will help?

I agree about formal citation. But, referral links might mean you intend to link to a folder of article PDFs? Right?
April 23, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS