FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > Best Practices for the Studying College Student: A Psychological Perspective


This document will be written for current undergraduates and individuals studying for a high stakes exam. This is generally a lay audience, as many college students are not familiar with evidence based studying practices.


Study habits have the ability to define a student's success in college and beyond. Good studying habits are not just a means to an end (such as passing an exam), they also increase the likelihood that an individual remembers important information in the future. While many college students generally know effective versus ineffective studying habits, they find applying the strategies difficult. Additionally, many students are not familiar with the psychology behind empirically supported studying strategies.


The purpose of this document is to provide readers with a few study strategies that are empirically supported and examples of how to apply the strategies to their own studying. Additionally, this document will describe the psychological processes that deem these strategies effective.


This paper will review the literature supporting various powerful studying techniques. I will also combine general instructions/tips that can help students enforce these techniques.


I will divide my document into sections for each study strategy. For each section, I will first summarize the strategy and the supporting scientific research. Then, I will briefly describe the psychological processes that the strategy supports. Lastly, I will provide instructions or a few tips that will aid the reader if they choose to try the study strategies.

Citation style

Since I will be summarizing various research articles, I will mainly use formal APA citations. I may also use natural language to support background information on psychological processes.

November 25, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterRD

I really like this project, R. Be sure to keep your audience in mind: stressed, sleep-deprived college student. Can you help them with:

small sessions (over time, so timeline)
sketches/coloring (diagrams)
recording notes to listen too while walking or exercising

humor? Can that help?

This is such a good way to work in your field, to serve yourself, your friends, and others.

Looking forward to this.


December 1, 2019 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea