FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL: Magnus Opus and Exigence > ResLife Crash Course: Becoming a Customer Service Supervisor
**AW initials
November 26, 2019 |
Hi AW,
Will you use humor throughout? Your directions were so pitch-perfect for the audience you describe. I assume you have supervisor support on this, as well.
One practical comment: you will need about two-three pages of prose, to accompany the directions/procedures. What about going a bit more into leadership and good team work, as you hint at in your directions piece? You could also do this in the annotated bibliography portion, including perhaps some YouTube videos. Ask, check out the Ask A Manager website:
Finally, a good way to conclude this document is some boilerplate for student resumes about what they learn in this position.
December 1, 2019 |
Marybeth Shea
Audience: New customer service supervisor (CSS)
Context: The CSS job is a supervisory position in Resident Life where a student staff member gets promoted to lead a staff of 13-22 student workers. There are a lot of behind the scene functions of this job that student workers aren’t aware of until they’re put into the supervisor position.
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide incoming CSSes with tips to prepare for and thrive during their time as a CSS. There is not a guide already available for CSSes. Although they are given a checklist of tasks, it doesn't help to reduce any anxiety. I plan to jump-start the learning process from student employee to student supervisor as well as minimize the large learning curve by providing guidance on how to be a “good” leader and manage a staff, as well as perform the other duties required for the job.
Document Type: Extended directions interlaced with real-life stories (examples).
Design Format: The directions will begin with a brief introduction and then have explanations and examples to go along with each list of directions. I will break up the directions using topics/problems/tips.
Citation Style: Referral links and APA style