FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Patient Guide on Acupuncture

Beginning: Start off with a short anecdote of someone who has suffered from chronic pain and has seen success following treatments with acupuncture. Next I’ll Present the statistics of people who are afflicted with chronic pain and establish the exigence of the topic. Then follow up with an overview of the developing field with introduction into acupuncture including its origins/ history and begin transitioning into the effectiveness of acupuncture as substantiated by various primary studies and reviews.

Middle: Present all of the studies and findings that have concluded that acupuncture does have a positive effect towards managing chronic pain making sure to highlight studies that included a sham and/ or placebo as a control treatment. Next I’ll address some of the concerns and skepticism with acupuncture and provide the counter argument that states acupuncture does not have significant effects and acknowledge the reasonableness of this.

End: Include a simple step-by-step procedure of what patients can expect when they show up in an acupuncture office. Stress the importance of finding a certified practitioner and checking that the needles are all sterilized prior to treatment. Conclude this section with a statement that acknowledges the fact acupuncture is still an emerging field and that there remains much for us to learn in terms of the scientific basis for the observed results. End with another short anecdote and direct the interested readers to informative online resources if they would like to learn more about the topic.

LOGOS: Data will come from both review articles and peer-reviewed studies. Any necessary definitions will be drawn either from these publications or other reliable sources on the web. The logos will be reinforced throughout the document.

PATHOS: Chronic pain is something that is fairly well-known in today’s society and it is fair to say that most people can sympathize or empathize with the struggles of living with pain on a regular basis. For part of the document, I hope to share my own experiences with acupuncture and back pain through a first person voice in order resonate more deeply with my audience. I will also ensure I address some of the squeamishness that people may feel when it comes to the use of needles.

ETHOS: The credibility will come from licensed physicians and established researchers who are deeply involved in acupuncture research and treatment. Further, well-known academic journals like Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine and sites such as WebMD as a source will further enhance the ethos of document.

STRUCTURE: The structure of the document will most likely be lemon shaped where the majority of the data and information will be presented in the middle portion of the patient guide.
1) Present anecdote with statistics and definition
2) Present research data both for and against the effectiveness of acupuncture
3) Conclude with recommendation and additional resources

GOAL: Provide accurate information on the effectiveness and benefits of acupuncture for the management of chronic pain. This patient guide is aimed primarily at those who are considering adding acupuncture to their routine pain management regime but also encourages others to be more educated on what acupuncture is. Ultimately I hope that everyone who reads this document will be able to attain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this ancient Chinese medical practice.
December 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBX
Looks like a good plan. Can you develop section headings from what you have here?

What is acupuncture?

Does acupuncture work on back pain?

Is there scientific research on effectiveness?

...You might also include a glossary or image set. Be sure to use a copyright free search for this portion.

Finally, close with your annotated bibliography that focuses on web sources you would like to steer your readers to. Help them with "Dr. Googling."
December 6, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea