FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Annotated Timeline of Upcoming NASA Missions

Beginning: I will begin the document, with information about NASA, as well as information about previous successful missions, to establish interest.

Middle: I will list the upcoming missions by launch date, and describe each mission. I will describe the goals of each mission, as well as information about how the mission will work.

End: Include summary of the document, and direct readers to more information, if interested.

Logos: Include scientific information about the missions, and the places the missions will study.

Pathos: Describe the missions and subjects in an interesting way.

Ethos: Include information about scientists working on the missions.

Structure: Annotated Timeline

Goal: Inform readers about upcoming NASA missions, and create interest in space exploration.
May 1, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterR.P.
R, one way to build this document would be to note where you would link to pertinent NASA information. I think that hypertext would be essential to this readability and "link-ability" Let's chat about how to note that in your written work.

Also, can this be shared on campus with other interested parties? I have an idea about this.

Also, would you consider sharing with a H.S. student who is going to school in the fall in astronomy?
May 2, 2017 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea