FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Optimizing Computer Vision Algorithms for DSPs

Beginning: First, I will give background on the OpenCV library to motivate my work. Then I’ll go into defining the terms single-instruction multiple-data and software pipelining. These will be important later on in the paper, since those are the primary optimization techniques that I used in my project.

Middle: Go over each of the algorithms optimized in my project. Each description will talk about the basic algorithm, my optimization techniques, and the use case of the end product.
End: To conclude I will go over the next steps that need to be taken in the project since it is not yet complete.
Logos: For each algorithm, I will go into detail on how the actual algorithm works in order to prove the correctness of the algorithm to the reader.

Pathos: This is not the type of document that requires much pathos

Ethos: I will be citing image processing researchers, Sylvain Paris, Olivier Losson, William H. Press, and Edward Chang.

Structure: I will be breaking the middle of document into sections related to each algorithm. Within each section I will describe the algorithm purpose, base algorithm, optimized algorithm, and use case of the finished function.

Goal: Describe the work that I have done so that another software developer can pick up my project and add to it.
May 1, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNK