FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Immune and Inflammatory Role of B lymphocytes in Type 2 Diabetes

Beginning: Present audience with a personal narrative that describes my long-term goals and the potential impact of my research project. Proposal abstract will briefly introduce the proposed research, my research question, and how I plan to conduct my investigation.

Middle: Provide important definitions in addition to the background and significance of my research. Describes the rationale for my research project.

End: The end of my document will have the proposal narrative, which describes the specific aims of my research project. I will also include preliminary data, the experimental design, and how results will be analyzed and interpreted.

LOGOS: 1) data on incidence of obesity and diabetes; 2) data illustrating preliminary results from the project; 3) studies on obesity-linked insulin resistance and inflammation; 5) documentation of the creation of the CGI-58 knockout mouse model

PATHOS: found in the personal narrative; I tell the story of my granduncle who passed away due to complications from his type 2 diabetes

ETHOS: credibility of leading diabetes researchers like Steven Kahn, Frank Hu, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

STRUCTURE: I will use the document structure required for Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research proposals.

GOAL: write a competitive project proposal to be able to successfully apply for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship, which would provide funding for my research in the lab of Dr. Wenxia Song, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
May 1, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterED
Yes. You are following their structure, as we discussed. I am glad you write this proposal for this class -- boosting your work that is ongoing in the Song lab.

May 2, 2017 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea