FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Weather Guide

Beginning: Explain that there are some issues with how weather information is communicated with the public due to government bureaucracy and confusing terminology. Reassure readers that if they are confused by all the weather information out there, they are not the only ones, and they can use this guide to understand weather in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Middle: Define and explain commonly misunderstood terms and concepts that apply to weather in the Mid-Atlantic region

End: Explain how readers can apply the terms and concepts from the previous section. Suggest sources of weather information

LOGOS: Giving the science and the reasons behind weather and its related terminology
PATHOS: Emphasis on the risk related to severe weather; anecdote of a time understanding weather helped save lives

ETHOS: I will be writing as an experienced meteorologist, and using sources such as NOAA and NWS for my definitions

STRUCTURE: Explain the most basic weather concepts to give readers a background in the science, then define weather terms that are often misunderstood

GOAL: Help readers understand more of the weather information available to them, so they can be more prepared for the weather in their daily lives in the Mid-Atlantic region
December 5, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAF