FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Finding New Binding Proteins to Uibquitin

Final Project Structure
Beginnings: Introduce ubiquitin to the audience in terms of basic structural aspects and functions in the cell. Show the reader the lack of knowledge in the ubiquitin field that my project covers

Middle: I give an overview of the methods of the project and explain how the projects fills the void in research that I introduced earlier. Also, I provide the current progress that we have made in the lab, including results and analysis.

End: I conclude with the future directions of the project, the meaning of the project, and then provide a fact sheet for the reader that defines concepts that are required to understand the science in the paper.

Logos: I provide a logical strategy for filling the void in knowledge through the outline of my project idea. I also provide results in the format of gel electrophoresis and analyze the meaning of the gels. Then, I write about the future directions based on the progress that we have made on the project.

Pathos: Ubiquitin is involved in many medically important processes, such as protein degradation and DNA repair. Understanding more about the protein can open the door a different way to treat certain medical problems.

Structure: In the beginning, I introduce a protein. Then, explain the methodology of the project. Next, I give my progress and provide future directions. I conclude with the overall meaning of the project. At the end of the document, I provide a fact sheet.

Goal: To show a professional in the biochemistry field the research I have done. Another goal is to teach a general scientific audience about ubiquitin, the basics of biochemistry research, and the project that I work on in the lab.
December 6, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterEvan Quartner