FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Malaria Travel Guide

Beginning: Hook the Audience with a relevant fact. Give background information on Malaria, generally outline what I will discuss in the rest of paper.

Middle: Describe the best prevention methods, and briefly describe symptoms and diagnosis. Be specific with prevention and be clear on what they should expect.

End: Repeat the main points described before. Encourage them to be proactive and cautious. Acknowledge limitations of what they can prepare for. Try to end on an optimistic note.

LOGOS: 1) Data on how malaria works; 2) on best prevention methods and available medications 3) on limitations what you can travel with 4) symptoms and treatment methods around the world

PATHOS: Include case studies; one on what happens if you are unprepared, one on what happens if you act correctly.

ETHOS: Cite peer reviewed scientific sources and other credible organizations like the CDC, WHO, and the Mayo Clinic.

STRUCTURE: I will structure it by describing what to do and then illustrating how to do it.

GOAL: Guide/persuade the reader to prepare for travel to countries with malaria by following my guide.
May 4, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterTN
T, select a statistic that will capture your reader. Risk of malaria contraction in a particular country, perhaps. I am also wondering if you want to direct this guide to Global Brigades students at Maryland who typically spend time in Honduras.

Another opening strategy would be to predict increase in malaria risk, both in US and on travel, under climate change. Here is the most authoritative article on this (2005)
May 6, 2018 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea