FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments > Electromagnetic Radiation:: The Reality

Beginning: hook the audience with statistics about how many people have cell phones, how many people have laptops, how often people use these devices

Middle: use the Martin Blank papers to provide the crux of the information

End: FAQ Section for physicians to answer patient questions

LOGOS: data on the potential impact of EMF on cellular response and other potential effects; causation does not mean correlation; medical research changing (provide an example of something that was true 50 years ago but is no longer thought to be true)

PATHOS: Case studies will be used. Emphasize the fact that medical research is always changing and that in the near future, EMF may be seen as harmful.

ETHOS: The papers that will be used in this document are all peer-reviewed journal articles from authors of established backgrounds.

STRUCTURE: Carrot Shaped. The beginning of the document will be content heavy and cover a lot of material. The end of the document will end off with a very specific point: Currently, there is not enough evidence to state the EMF is dangerous.

GOAL: Provide physicians in training with a document that serves as a "spark notes" for EMF. Also, provide them with a potential list of questions that patients may ask along with potential answers.
May 7, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterPNP
R, really good plan for this medical school seminar paper. I would spend time on the different types of EMF exposure you note:

cell phones


electricity transmission wires

And, summarize the research that exists on each, all with nearly same conclusion: risks are non detectable or under an threshold for danger.

Good topic, that physicians will need to be able to explain to many patients.
May 7, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMbS