FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Coral Reef Management (place-holding title)
How about this title:
Coral Reefs and Recreational Diving; A guide for scuba instructors to help protect reef environments
I like that you will expand or augment the diving directions with guidance on preventing coral contact (safety from abrasions and wounds; protection of vulnerable symbiotic organism)
Do not forget a description of the diving exercises to increase gracious mobility AND become aware of the extended fins.
Coral Reefs and Recreational Diving; A guide for scuba instructors to help protect reef environments
I like that you will expand or augment the diving directions with guidance on preventing coral contact (safety from abrasions and wounds; protection of vulnerable symbiotic organism)
Do not forget a description of the diving exercises to increase gracious mobility AND become aware of the extended fins.
May 7, 2015 |
Marybeth Shea
Reader: Scuba instructors or newer divers that want to know more about coral reef biology, its global impacts, and how to communicate responsible diving to fellow divers and/or students.
Reader’s Response:
Instructor: Yeah, well I already know how to scuba dive pretty well. I don’t think that I need a “diving checklist” or a lesson in marine biology seeing as my career revolves around knowing this information. I already tell my students to make sure they are careful with their fins, but this article does provide good points and statistics about tourist divers that I haven’t considered.
Tourist: I’m sure that I can take just one little piece of coral back home for my daughter, and it won’t have Earth-shattering impacts. I figured I could be the exception and just sneak back a small souvenir, but the statistics given here tell me that if all tourists think they can be the exception, there can be some really profound impacts on coral reef health. I travel to these coastal regions to see the beauty of these coral reefs; I don’t want to be part of the reason that they are deteriorating.