FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Applications of Markov chain models in various fields
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May 7, 2015 |
Marybeth Shea
Applied mathematics is a mathematical science that describes the professional specialty in which scientists solve practical problems by analyzing and formulating mathematical theories and models. As one of the influential applications of mathematical theory, the Markov chain theory is essentially a stochastic process, which is a mathematical random collection of changes over time in a random variable. The specialty of a Markov chain is that the outcome of an experiment depends only on the previous experiment and is completely unrelated to the preceding experiments. Markov chains have a wide range of applications in our real world processes, such as computer science, engineering, finance, physics, biomedicine and so on. This article will briefly introduce the concept of the Markov chain and discuss applications and future directions of this theory. Also, this article provides several research examples will help create a deep understanding of the Markov chain model. Even though this technology has not been widely used in all fields, it will provide more opportunities for environmental scientists, microbiologists, and financial analysts. Understanding evolution and predicting future events of the Markov chain process under certain conditions provides extremely useful information in real life.
WC: 186 words
Reader’s profile: I imagine a student who is interested in mathematics, however, the student does not have enough advanced mathematical backgrounds.
Reader’s response: According to the examples showed in this article, the Markov chain theory is obviously useful and can be applied to many distinct fields. However, when you perform this mathematical model in the research, what if you encounter some problems that may require additional mathematical theories’ support? Or, how could you make sure that the Markov chain model is producing trustworthy results?