FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Corporate Wellness


In this report, I will discuss why businesses should take part in corporate wellness. If employees were to live healthier lifestyles, it would not only benefit themselves, but also the company they work for. Stress from work and daily life, strategies for preventable chronic diseases, and an overall healthy body would greatly benefit people’s work ethic and mood. For small corporations with employees working from desks, overall company productivity would increase through the implementation of workplace seating strategies such as standing desks and medicine balls as chairs. Low intensity activities such as walking breaks and walking meetings would also benefit the health of employees. For labor-intensive jobs and corporations such as UPS or FedEx, healthy back programs would benefit employers and employees if injury rates remained low. Companies should encourage employees to take charge of their personal fitness and health.

Word count: 140

Reader’s Response Paragraph:

I do not think walking meetings would be effective. Work meetings have strict objectives, and it is important to portray these objectives in a professional manner. A conference room in which employees can focus and take notes is the only appropriate method for conducting workplace meetings. Walking meetings would promote an unprofessional setting full of distractions. They would also encourage a casual, laid-back environment, which may not be suitable for all topics being discussed during meetings. I do not think companies should implement walking meetings as a means for exercise in the workplace.
May 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSP
One year from now, I will be graduating from college and leaving my position as the president of Forward Motion Dance Company. Therefore, composing a document that contains a wide range of information about running the company is necessary, as such a document will enable my successor to lead the organization with confidence. The following document includes a letter to the future president, a literature review, and a set of instructional documents on topics ranging from teaching choreography to maintaining important contact information. The literature review discusses research studies that describe the short term and long term benefits of dance on both physical and mental health, methods for preventing and dealing with dance-related injuries, and helpful instructional methods. Having an understanding of these three platforms could help a future president recruit new dancers, ensure the health of current dancers, and enhance the learning and retention of choreography for company members. As fundraising and finances are essential to the successful continuation of the company, this document will also detail necessary information about applying for different types of funding, organizing company fundraisers, and maintaining financial accounts. Newly elected board members, including the future president of the company, should reference this document to obtain information that will assist them in running the organization in years to come.

WC = 214

I imagine a reader who is a new board member who applied for the position simply to have a leadership position to put on their resume, despite their lack of time or true interest in improving the company.

Blah, blah, blah, I don’t care about how to prevent injuries, each dancer is responsible for their own health and it’s not my fault if they get hurt. The part on organizing an effective dance practice seems potentially useful, but I’ve been dancing for years and I’ve gone to countless practices, so I don’t need to read that section, I’m sure I’ll know what to do. I guess if there’s anything I really should look at, I should read over the responsibility delegation section so that I know what the minimal requirements are for my position. As long as I do enough to keep my position, I’ll be fine.
May 6, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterML
S -- be sure to keep a tight focus on this overall report for one specific company. You will gather evidence and experiences from a number of sources.

What do the sections look like? Headings?

Your conclusion section can make suggestions about designing a program through a feasibility study. Then, you can suggest the basic elements but leave the larger program development to another document.

Any information on pedometers? Aps?
May 7, 2015 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea