FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Rod Bipolar cells
A -- be sure to provide within your brief definitions "connectomics" as one of the other genomics categories that all really on construction knowledge based on strings of base pairs that are uploaded into a reference data base where we can figure out by statistical comparison "what" is going on in a metabolic system.
Fascinating. :)
Fascinating. :)
December 10, 2015 |
Marybeth Shea
READER’S PROFILE: I imagine my reader to be someone who is acclimated to science writing, perhaps a professor, researcher, or science major.
READER’S RESPONSE: Your plan of action seems very plausible and interesting. I am not well versed in retinal neurobiology jargon, but I look forward to reading your introduction to get a background. I will likely also have my computer with me, searching terms when needed. Although this paper seems very technical and science-oriented, I look forward to reading about your research.