FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Guide to Applying to Physical Therapy Schools and Programs

ABSTRACT: I am currently a senior at UMD and I am interested in applying to physical therapy schools/programs in the DMV (D.C.,MD,VA) area. I have met with several advisors in the pre-health office at UMD and they offer great advice on how to apply, but they always directed me to physical therapy school websites. It can be rough when you are given just a link to look at because you usually don't know what to look for. So my goal for this guide is to help any undergraduate student who is interested in a career in physical therapy, an athlete, or just curious. My guide will go over the course requirements that are needed for physical therapy school. I will then provide a list of schools and the price ranges in the DMV area. I will include important links with explanations and then a link to the common application for physical therapy schools. I will go over what happens after schooling and ways to apply for work. I will talk about job stress and compare PT salary from 2006 to now. I hope my guide will help interested and curious students.

WC= 190

READER'S PROFILE:I believe the pre-health office at UMD can benefit from reading my guide and referring it to any student who is interested in physical therapy. Most importantly, my guide will be for an undergraduate student who needs help with researching or looking into physical therapy schools.

READER'S RESPONSE: I was curious to read this guide because I do find it difficult to get specific information on applying to physical therapy schools. I see that it will give me information on the requirements and application process, which I need help looking for because I do not know where to all of that information. I will then be able to look for information on the stress that I may encounter and the salary that I can receive. I will be able to use this guide to make the decision on applying to PT schools and then picking the right school in the area.
December 9, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterK.M
K -- how will you move between first and third person in the guide? I think can write part of each section in third person, with a brief note, perhaps in italics to open or close each section on what you did. How does that seem?

Be sure to include, with outside sources, a profile of the profession: salaries, types of practices (sports medicine v. rehabilitation for seniors, etc.)

Also, read on the increasing focus on prevention of injury now.
December 10, 2015 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea