FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Bringing Down Group A Strep, one Gene at a Time
IMRAD, right?
In your A or D section, can you discuss reconciling fluorescent and CpsY characterization? Is this possible in one paper or is this a larger challenge for the field? Direct them to other discussion?
In your A or D section, can you discuss reconciling fluorescent and CpsY characterization? Is this possible in one paper or is this a larger challenge for the field? Direct them to other discussion?
December 10, 2015 |
Marybeth Shea
Word Count: 238
Reader’s Response: 500,000 people is a lot, but how close to home? Is that evenly spread out- should I be worried? Probably not… But the antibiotic resistance issue is a rising concern.. What I don’t understand about this is why this is focused on just CpsY? I certainly see the point of studying GAS, but why not characterize multiple genes, rather than just this one? That’s an issue, for sure. Even so, fluorescence is cool… wait. How does that help? Glowing GAS, great, why do I care? Maybe I should read a bit more, to see how they end up reconciling fluorescence and CpsY characterization.. Yeah, I’ll do that.