FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Sea level rise is affecting human populations on the Chesapeake Bay
M -- keep focused on your audience with these elements:
intro of each subsection or case (hook them)
word choice (simple paired with technical science term)
connection to disciplines available in college
sense of what can be done
Capture the number of cases in your title:
Four Cautionary Cases of Islands in the Chesapeake: How Seal Level Rise is Experienced in our Area.
intro of each subsection or case (hook them)
word choice (simple paired with technical science term)
connection to disciplines available in college
sense of what can be done
Capture the number of cases in your title:
Four Cautionary Cases of Islands in the Chesapeake: How Seal Level Rise is Experienced in our Area.
May 8, 2016 |
Marybeth Shea
WC: 251
READER’S PROFILE: I imagine a high school student that will not be too interested in this topic because they are not directly affected by sea-level rise.
WRITER’S RESPONSE: I would respond by mentioning all the ecosystems services coastal ecosystems provide us. With sea-level rise all of those services will disappear soon. For instance wetlands moderate the effects of flooding, protect coastlines from storms, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Waterman on Chesapeake Bay make a living off oysters and blue crabs. The commercial industries that purchase from fisherman in the Chesapeake Bay will also be impacted by sea-level rise. This would limit and increase the price of blue crab and oyster abundance in the seafood market.