FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > So, What Are You Going to do with Math: A Guide to Graduate School Opportunities in Biomathematics
A -- would you say that this math line of inquiry is both applied and theoretical (due to newness?)? Is that what this reader is saying?
Can you perhaps identify which theoretical areas support this newer field and these emerging applications? You might address this reader in some way.
I would use formal APA citation for this context.
Can you perhaps identify which theoretical areas support this newer field and these emerging applications? You might address this reader in some way.
I would use formal APA citation for this context.
May 8, 2016 |
Marybeth Shea
READER’S PROFILE: An individual who believes more in theoretical math and would advise mathematics students to pursue graduate studies and research opportunities in academia in pure math.
READER’S RESPONSE: While many areas of applied mathematics are very interesting, at the heart of math is theory. Undergraduate students studying math should consider pure math graduate studies where they can really delve in to the subject matter. Students should understand the theory and discover new concepts by going in to pure math research. Studying theoretical math would provide much more freedom by staying in academia. Students are not constrained by a particular biological system to conform to and can essentially think about whatever area that interests them. Additionally there is arguably a larger potential long-term impact since applications are based on the underlying theory.