FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Resurrected Island. Poplar Island, MD

Abstract: Islands are vanishing in the Chesapeake bay at an alarming rate. Poplar Island, MD is a very interesting case of a fully restored island. This island was eroded down to less than 2 acres, but now has an area the same size as it was in the 19th century. The island is 1500 acres of restored water bird habitat. Dredge material from the Chesapeake Bay was used to create the island which took approximately 20 years to complete. The island is about half salt marsh and half upland forest. Another 500 acres are purposed to be added to the island. This area is one of the few restoration success stories that I feel is under appreciated. In this document i will outline a 3 day lesson plan geared toward AP environmental science students. It is vital that this age group be exposed to different environmental problems and successes to grasp the full array of opportunities in the field. The document starts out with the history as well as the construction of the island. This is very interesting as the island is being used as a island restoration example around the world. The second day will focus on the wildlife colonization and management which will continue far into the future. The last day will focus on the many agencies and careers that are used on the island. Along with this will be key definitions used in today's restoration efforts.

Reader Profile: The reader of this would be a high school student taking AP Environmental Science. Maybe interested in Environmental science but not considering it as a career.

Reader Response: Wow, I had no idea that this was happening. The use of dredge spoil is a very smart use of resources. I thought it was very interesting how fast the wildlife came back to and used the island. I would like more of an office job and I didn't think a restoration project like poplar would have any but boy was I wrong. It takes a lot of agencies working together to complete the project. I feel projects like this should be broadcast better as I had no clue this was happening. It would of been nice if he included other smaller restoration in the area that I live. Maybe a list of many projects in Maryland that are restorations so I might get a chance to actually go a visit.
May 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLH
L, you are shifting completely to a case for AP bio/e.s.? If so, you will need to teach terms as well. You may want to provide a glossary as one of the document components.

What citation will you use? APA in the more technical sections?

Finally, the annotated bibliography should expand to curate websites that the instructor can show in class. Be sure to tell how long the video material takes.
May 8, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea