FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Laboratory Research Guide on Phenotypic and Genotypic Analysis of Lateral Line Canal Pores in Cichlid Crosses

ABSTRACT: Fish employ a variety of sensory mechanisms in order to obtain information about their environment. In recent years, the study of the lateral line sensory system has begun to receive attention in the field of teleost fish research. The lateral line mechanosensory system allows for the detection of changes in water flow through canals containing neuromasts composed of mechanosensory hair cells (New York University, Science Direct). When stimulated, neuromasts generate an action potential that sends a signal to the central nervous system. These flow-sensing canals house multiple pores through which water enters. The size of the canals and their pores vary among species. My research project in the Carleton lab on campus seeks to quantify the variation in the lateral line phenotype of a cross between Metriaclima and Aulonocara cichlids. The magnitude of the variation in phenotype will indicate the complexity of the genetic basis of the lateral line system. This work will set the stage for future investigations in identifying the genes responsible for variation of the lateral line system among cichlid fish.

WC = 175

READER’S PROFILE: I can imagine that the reader may be overwhelmed at the idea of taking over work on this research project in the future.

READER’S RESPONSE: There is so much that I do not know about this topic and about the practices involved in this research project. I am worried that even though I am provided with the protocols, I will not have enough experience with certain analytical techniques or the concepts behind quantitative trait locus analysis. It would be nice to be given other sources that explain these in more detail as additional reading.
May 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterD.G.
D -- section heads can help this reader move through the lab manual. You could include papers in the folder, to address the suggested further reading idea.

Ask me.
May 8, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea