FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Rulers of the Deep: A High School Biology Lesson on Sharks

Abstract: High school biology students after their tests are feeling burned out and ready for summer. This lesson plan will first explore the newly discovered Ninja Lanternshark, a fascinating shark that uses photophores to create light at just the right amount to blend into its surroundings. Cookiecutter sharks are a relatively very small species of shark most known for its perfectly circular bites. Images and documented bites will show just how unique this small but vicious shark it. The Frill Shark will also be introduced, which is frequently called a living fossil due to its unique prehistoric features. It also has been observed to catch its prey by striking in a similar manner to a snake. The issue of conservation is huge with sharks, especially with the beloved hammerhead species. Also studies have found that sharks have much more value economically in their habitat than being fished. While shark week is exciting and creates interest in sharks, it should create a love of them instead of fear. It should also be used to raise awareness of conservation and the threat of shark finning. The end of the document will contain links to videos and a glossary of terms.
WC: 198

Reader's Profile: This student is burned out more than the rest and has no interest in learning about sharks. He wants to major in something completely unrelated to marine biology or ecology.

Reader Response: Why am I learning this. I don't want to be here and there's no point since I already took my exams. It's summer, I just want to be outside. I don't care about sharks, they don't even effect me and they only get attention during shark week. I don't even need to know any of this, I want to become a doctor so I will never need to know anything about sharks or saving them. Why should they even care so much about them, they're a danger to people when they swim in the ocean.
May 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterZT
Z -- you might not be able to address the most disengaged reader. :(

Your ideas about value are important. Look up economic valuation and ecotourism as one way to present this information.

You are also dealing with charismatic telegenic megafauna....where the charms is in the danger. Ask me about wolves v. pandas in class.

Citation type? What did you decide?
May 8, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea