FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Becoming A Part of the Marvel Universe
S, is one way to address this reader to note that 1) the characters also reflect new ones that show a range of race and even gender attributes?; and 2) comic stories give us pleasure. Not all people take pleasure in the same stories. Some like opera. Some like GoT. Others -- not to be discounted -- like the comics, in zine, book, graphic novel, movie, and fan fic forms.
Viva la difference!
Viva la difference!
December 11, 2016 |
Marybeth Shea
READER'S PROFILE: I imagine a reader that does not understand the appeal of Marvel superhero films or what makes them so appealing. This may be a young person who just wishes to get their opinion out, perhaps loudly.
READER'S RESPONSE: Superhero films have been cropped out by several studios for nearly a decade. They all just blend together after a while because all of these films are the same. The hero arrives, defeats the villain, and gets the girl. Watching Marvel films is very difficult because they require you to have seen all the other films that predate it, and I am just not interested in seeing all of the others.