FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Look into: Geriatric, Pediatric, and LGBT Dental healthcare

Abstract: The increasing proportion of geriatric, pediatric, and LGBT individuals among the patient population for of developed countries is presenting their healthcare providers with specific challenges. This seminar review follows a study of total of 364 patients from nine different geriatric care units within the city of Berlin. On average the patients were 84-9 years old. According to interviews and questionnaires from these patients, only 61.7% felt that the amount of time spent on dental care was sufficient. Recommendations for improvement of dental care delivery to institutionalized geriatric patients are given. Additionally pediatric and LGBT communities were also investigated in separate studies. Using a similar survey method, the majority of high dental risk patient pools were in low-income or medicaid-covered children. This accounted for 88 percent of school patient pools. LGBT individuals were also monitored by school administrators who played an important role in ensuring that dental care providers were well prepared to treat patients from LGBT backgrounds. From these case studies and surveys the conclusion has been drawn that dental management of geriatric patients, pediatric patients, and LGBT patients is an essential an presently under fulfilled service that is being provided.

Reader Profile: I imagine a reader that is minimally aware or unaware of the special needs or certain individuals. They are professionals that are trained in or being trained in the field of dentistry so they are familiar with the importance of dental hygiene, bi-annual care, and restorative needs. They may be skeptical as to why there needs to be a call to action for such a cause and perhaps not agree with everything that is being proposed before they read the paper.

Reader response: Perhaps I should look into how as a faculty member/student I can change the way that dental healthcare is provided to under fulfilled populations. How can I as a future dentist or teacher make sure that treatment is equally available and serviceable to those that are more difficult to reach? What are the special steps that need to be taken to effectively assist this demographic of geriatric, pediatric, and LGBT patients?
December 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy L.
T, if this grows too large, scale back to either fewer cases or lighter treatment of your three cases. Let me know what you will do.

Also, the Berlin case is interesting but might not be comparable to the US situation. In the EU, dental care is covered as part of national health.

You may need to find out if CHPS covers dental care for all children in all states.
December 11, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea