FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Learning to Play Fighting Games at a Competitive Level
S, in the beginning of your document -- and as examples, when you discuss moves and strategy -- please be aware of giving the reader a taxonomy of game types. You do not need to do this all, but at least look at this list and be sure to make categories and select a few games to use in your analysis and guide.
December 11, 2016 |
Marybeth Shea
Reader’s Profile: A prospective fighting game player who does not want to take the extra time to practice. They have the expectation that simply reading the information without attempting to apply it in the context of playing other people is going to be enough to teach them.
Reader’s Response: I read all the techniques in this guide, but when I played a few matches against my friends, I lost every time. I wanted to show off what I learned, but I don’t think I have any talent. I can remember combos and moves with special inputs if I fight in Training Mode against a computer-controlled opponent that does nothing, but how am I supposed to remember all that when another person is fighting against me?