FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Don't be Left Gasping for Air: A Patient Guide for Asthma Treatments When a Rescue Inhaler is Not Available

Abstract: Asthma is a respiratory disease that leads to difficultly in breathing. Asthma causes the narrowing and swelling of the bronchial tubes in the lungs causes the inner walls of the bronchi to become inflamed. Asthma maybe triggered by various environmental factors especially cold weather and/or exercise. However, asthmatic patients can prevent symptoms even without a rescue inhaler. Through relaxation techniques that can be taught to all ages, asthmatic patients can relieve symptoms without using a rescue inhaler. Without a doubt, asthma is a difficult disease to treat without a inhaler. However, with the proper guidance, asthma patient can relieve symptoms triggered by cold weather and/or exercise without the use of a rescue inhaler. By being aware of certain triggers that cause asthma during cold weather, asthmatic patients have the ability to control their asthma symptoms before it occurs. Certain mental relaxation techniques have been extensively studied to calm the asthma patient during an asthmatic episode.

Reader Profile: The reader is either the parent of a patient, immediate family member, and/or teacher of the asthmatic patient. The reader maybe somewhat knowledgeable in asthma however may not be aware of how to treat asthma without a rescue inhaler.

Reader’s response: Even though asthma maybe control without an inhaler, treatment of an asthma without an inhaler maybe psychosomatic.Many would feel skeptical because there is not a definitive way to immediately relieve the symptoms of asthma because many homeopathic ways are still not yet proven to provide an instant relief to calm down asthmatic symptoms. Many feel that with a rescue inhaler present, there is a guaranteed method to treat your symptoms. Without having an inhaler present, many feel panicked about trying an unproven method to calm their symptoms.
December 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterA.T. (AJ)
A, do not fall victim to the false choices of ONLY inhaler or ONLY other strategies.

I think that a document that guides toward a suit of best options for asthma management is a good approach. You can address the ideas at the end for what to do, when the inhaler is lost or broken or out of medication.

Can you take this doctor's approach, supporting each of his recommendations with some peer reviewed research?
December 11, 2016 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea