FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Immune and Inflammatory Role of B lymphocytes in Type 2 Diabetes
E -- nicely designed experiment. By the way, did you know that we really have more than Type 1 and Type 2 categories? Most seem to have a immune component, as you rightly describe. Also, European systems use different threshold categories to diagnose these conditions.
May 7, 2017 |
Marybeth Shea
READER’S PROFILE: I am writing a research proposal to an interdisciplinary panel of UMD faculty that sit on the Howard Hughes proposal review committee. As such, I imagine an exacting, critical audience. My proposal will be in a competitive situation, as it is competing against other projects for funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
READER’S RESPONSE: I imagine that the proposal review committee will be curious about more of the background and significance of my research. They will also be wondering how I specifically aim to test my hypothesis, and how feasible the project actually is (in terms of if I have received any preliminary research results).
VOICE: I am writing for a technical audience, so I will be writing with a distant/objective tone, without humor. The proposal will be written in 3rd person.
CITATION: I will follow a formal citation style. I will use superscripts to provide in-text citations within my research proposal. A bibliography will also be included with references listed in consecutive order.