FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Why We Need More Funding for Alzheimer's Disease

Someone in the country develops Alzheimer’s disease every 66 seconds. On top of this, an estimated 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and 100,000 of those Americans reside in Maryland. Essentially, Alzheimer’s patients have to deal with the burden of not being able to remember their friends and family members. It takes an even stronger toll on the family members who have to care for the Alzheimer’s patient because it requires a lot of attention to tend to each of their needs. The worse part is that Alzheimer’s is linked to genes, meaning that a good portion of our population may posses the gene for Alzheimer’s without knowing that they actually inherited the gene in the first place. I, for one, would personally want to know if I have this gene that projects whether or not I develop Alzheimer’s in order to preserve the memories that I have and make preparations for myself. We die with our memories, so wouldn’t you want to do whatever you could to help preserve them in the future? For that reason, I believe the government should continue the support of funding towards Alzheimer's research.

Reader’s Response:
I really do enjoy the memories that I have and would want to preserve them in future. It is a shame to lose all those years of memories with the people you love and forget about all of the experiences you shared with them. However, what’s to stop me from worry about other diseases like cancer? Why support Alzheimer’s over cancer since they’re both fatal?
Revised Problem Statement: There is a need for continued funding for Alzheimer’s disease in order to develop a potential cure or treatment for the disease and to bring to light the severity of the disease and how it can affect someone who may not know it.

First person for cover letter, followed by third person for the analysis.

APA Style Citation
May 5, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSP
SP, look at the committees that these three reps on on. You can include in your cover letter.

Revised thesis statement?
May 7, 2017 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea