FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Hedgehog Care Guide

Hedgehog Care Manual

ABSTRACT: This paper acts as a beginner’s guide to owning and caring for pet hedgehogs. It covers both African Pygmy and European hedgehogs, although the focus is on African Pygmy hedgehogs since they are more popular in the pet industry and I have more first-hand experience with them. The guide begins with an introduction to hedgehogs as a species in the wild, which will introduce readers to the origins of an array of hedgehog behaviors that may be observed in captivity. I will then transition to how the species gained popularity as pets around the world. After the introduction, the paper will be divided into sections based on topic in order to simplify the material and make it easily accessible. The guides near the beginning of the paper will cover topics such as choosing a hedgehog and assessing hedgehog health and will proceed to move to topics that apply to current hedgehog owners such as formulating diets and bathing the animals. I will include pictures where applicable to make the guide easier to understand. The goal of this paper is to help readers decide whether or not a hedgehog is the right pet for them, and to also
help current hedgehog owners provide the best care possible to their exotic pets.

WC: 210

READER’S PROFILE: I imagine a reader skeptical of an article that has few references.

READER’S RESPONSE: I just adopted a hedgehog but I don’t know hardly anything about the species. I’m trying to find a reliable care guide to help me. This is very thorough and seems to be reputable, but cites very few sources. I feel like the author is relying too heavily on personal experience and should have consulted more experts in the field while writing this document.
December 8, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterBailey Clark
B, can you address the skeptical reader by noting that you are writing this guide because of the huge gap of information? That may help quell the doubts.

I poked around online and find many UK rescue sites about hedgehogs and their care, with focus on wild hedgies. However, you may want to note what the natural conditions are for each species; then, instruct on how care and stimulation, as well as artificial habitat are best when then mimic natural conditions. This approach might help all readers feel more confident in the "why" behind what you recommend.
December 10, 2017 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea