FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Finding Sponsors for Hackathons
R, I like that your reader is one that will be encouraged about this process seeing the guide as a support to the task.
Do you have an ABT statement in this nicely down abstract?
I think a timeline and task chart would be helpful. Bet there is an app for this! Often called Gant charts, in the olden days.
Also, can you use GOFUNDME, for students who might want to through in small amounts and perhaps earn an invitation to a party or say, Terp-themed stickers? Just a thought. I would through in some money for this and perhaps others on campus might do this, too.
Do you have an ABT statement in this nicely down abstract?
I think a timeline and task chart would be helpful. Bet there is an app for this! Often called Gant charts, in the olden days.
Also, can you use GOFUNDME, for students who might want to through in small amounts and perhaps earn an invitation to a party or say, Terp-themed stickers? Just a thought. I would through in some money for this and perhaps others on campus might do this, too.
May 8, 2018 |
Marybeth Shea
WC: 152
READER’S PROFILE: I image a reader excited to host their own hackathon but also worried. Sponsorship is an important role. If the reader does not get enough sponsors, the hackathon might not even happen.
READER’S RESPONSE: The reader will be well-informed about the whole sponsorship process. They will not be worried anymore because there are so many companies out there and they are bound to land at least some of them. Even if companies reject them or turn them down, the reader will continue to push on and find new sponsors. The reader will have a positive outlook and understand that sponsorship is not as hard as it seems.