FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Guide to Entering the Cybersecurity Field

ABSTRACXT: As more agencies, companies, and people conduct their business online, the demand for cybersecurity specialists will continue to increase. This poses a mutual benefit to the customers in need of security and the computer scientists. The higher demand results in more opportunities for cyber security specialists, which directly creates a safer environment for all activity on the internet. However, rising computer scientists are having difficulty in finding the right tools and skillsets needed for them to get involved in cyber security. Therefore, this informative guide administers an effective resource to enlighten interested parties on the best path to entering the cyber security field. The guide is primarily directed towards college students attending the University of Maryland, College Park, but the concepts and directions can be applied to any individual looking for a start in cyber. Elusive information such as recommended classes, internship experience, security clearances etc. will be discussed. As a student currently going through the process myself, I have not only gained personal knowledge on what works, but also have seen many students and colleagues take different approaches to finding their way through. This ensures a wide range of latest tactics that are up-to-date with the growing job market.

(WC = 200)

READER'S PROFILE: One possible reader profile embodies an individual who doesn’t agree with the need specially suggested tips and skillsets order. They believe that doing well academically and getting some sort of internship (computer science related) should be enough to secure entry into the field. This can be someone who is currently in college doing relatively well, or it can be a current cyber security specialist who did not wield the same strategy.

READERS RESPONSE: Although these tips might offer some value to them, you have chosen to ignore the weight of just being an outstanding student in your classes. If the cyber field is growing exponentially as you claim, then they should have a wide net in the attempt to higher any excelling computer science student. Not to mention internship offers from companies, including those in cyber, will come to fight over any academically gifted student. Career fairs, guest speakers, and sponsored dinners will take care of all the suggestions you made in your guide.
May 8, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterHF
H, can you include an ABT statement AND open your document with some sense of the numbers (logos!):

number of positions (demand measure)
types of positions by subfield (demand that narrows the application path


Projected size of field?

Also, do you know about FINCEN?

Email me to discuss a few particulars.
May 10, 2018 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea