FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Guide to Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to Treat Drug Abusers

ABSTRACT: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a recent psychotherapy technique that has been used to treat psychotic disorders and substance abuse disorders. However, the recent nature of CBT brings into question what the clinical best practices are for treating substance abusers. CBT has only been around for about 20 years but has already proved to be more effective than more traditional psychotherapy techniques. Therefore, a comprehensive guide detailing CBT best practices for substance abusers is essential for psychologists, psychiatrists, and CBT therapists. The CBT guide includes a general overview of cognitive-behavioral therapy, facts and helpful tips about drug abusers, a critique of CBT practices in literature, a hypothetical case study, and applications of the best CBT techniques to the hypothetical case study. Four to five research papers on CBT and drug abuse will be critiqued in the critique section of the guide. The research papers have been written by psychologists and psychiatrists whose main research focus is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Although there are several studies on CBT and drug abuse already, more research needs to be conducted on the effectiveness of using CBT to treat drug abusers. This guide is just the beginning to a cultivation of the best CBT practices professionals can use in the field.

WC: 204

READER’S PROFILE: I imagine a reader who is a PhD student studying counseling psychology. Specifically, the student is interested in cognitive-behavioral therapy and is looking into completing her dissertation on CBT’s effectiveness in treating drug abuse.

READER’S RESPONSE: I am extremely interested in learning about the best CBT techniques for drug abuse. However, I know that much of the literature on CBT treatment for drug abuse has been focused on White populations. How will I know that the best techniques compiled from this guide are truly applicable to all drug abusers, or just White drug abusers?
May 9, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMD
M, wow. Can you address this reader's essential question? Does your research include aspects of race and ethnicity?

Also, see my email about shifting your document. As written here, in your nice work, is truly a professional school seminar paper.

And, I see your nice ABT structure here. :) See how this helps you get to your work, quickly?
May 10, 2018 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea