FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Global warming is a severe issue that affects everyone worldwide. There are many negative effects of global warming. Climate change leads to permanent loss of habitat, which puts organisms living in these habitats at risk of extinction. Climate change can also directly impact human health, as extremely high temperatures that result from climate change lead to higher rates of stroke, respiratory disease, and kidney disease. The fact that global warming has so many negative effects makes preventing climate change a priority for everyone. In order to prevent global warming, we must look at what causes climate change to begin with. The greenhouse gas effect is the primary cause of global warming. In the greenhouse gas effect, green house gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere. As a result, the trapped heat raises global temperatures. The more greenhouse gases there are in the atmosphere, the greater the greenhouse effect. Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen to unprecedented levels in the past century. Many activities that humans partake in, especially driving, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Simple changes in one’s everyday habits, especially during transportation, can serve to reduce one’s carbon footprint. However, many adults are not aware that they can reduce carbon emissions through changes in transportation habits. Therefore, adults need to become more aware of the habits they can make to reduce their carbon footprint. This document teaches adults about more environmentally friendly methods of transportation.
WC: 244
Readers Profile: The reader of my document is someone who understands the severity of global climate change. However, the reader could also be skeptical about the difference he or she alone can make in preventing climate change.

Reader’s response: “Global climate change is definitely a huge issue. I understand that if climate change continues at the current rate, the environment will be permanently damaged. In addition, human health will also deteriorate as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to air pollution and significantly raise temperatures. However, I am just one person out of billions. In addition, there are so many factories and more significant sources of green house gases. I feel that I contribute so little to global carbon emissions that even if I were to completely get rid of my carbon footprint, there would be no difference. I wonder what the exact impact of me reducing my carbon footprint would be.”
May 17, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterGB