FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > How to Eat Healthy on a Budget at UMD

UMD students often struggle to balance their health with their stressful student lifestyles. The weight of homework, time-busy schedules, and financial constraints cause students to neglect the need to eat healthy for maximum body productivity and academic success. They resort to snacks, skipped meals, or pre-prepared packaged or fast food as meal substitutes (in addition to other unhealthy sleep and behavioral habits). Although these meal options are cheaper, more convenient, and less time-consuming to prepare, they often do not fulfill the recommended daily nutritional intake. This is a real problem that some students are already aware of, but do not know how to fix. Therefore, I find it important to highlight the multitude of food options around College Park that offer inexpensive and healthier food options. In addition to some tips of which grocery stores to shop at based on varying student barriers, special grocery store deals, how to shop inexpensively, and how to prepare fast healthy meals, students will be less afraid to lead a healthier lifestyle and will recognize its ease. I disclaim that grocery shopping and preparing meals is slightly more costly, inconvenient, and time-consuming than current student meal habits; however, students should be aware that those three problems can be minimized and that eating healthier should be greater prioritized in their student lifestyles.

Reader’s Profile:
I imagine a reader to be skeptical about the change in food habits and the time and money it takes to shop for and prepare meals. They may be looking for more motivational incentives to be provided in this document (when this document is catered for students who are already aware of the problem).

Reader’s Response:
How do you expect me to find the time and money to venture out to a grocery store with no car, no idea of how to write a weekly shopping list, and a weighty student loan??? I know that eating at McDonald’s and Chick-fil-a are not the healthiest food options, but they taste so good and satisfy my time and money constraints. I walk 5-10 minutes to get an entire meal that is prepared in 5 minutes for $5. What can get better than that! I am just not sure that I have the time or motivation to change my food behaviors with my current student lifestyle. I am not sure I want to try these tips out to see if they really will improve my academic success and overall performance. I am not sure enough motivational incentive was provided…
December 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterYK
** WC= 217
December 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterYK