FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Literature Review: Obesity-related Immune Reactions on the Pancreas and Visceral Adipose Tissue

ABSTRACT: (215 words)
Chronic obesity has become an epidemic. Recent literature suggests that the immune system may play an important role in causing obesity related symptoms, such as insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. This literature review will summarize findings from research on the impact of the immune system in the visceral adipose tissue and pancreas of obese individuals, as well as evaluate methods for analyzing the indicators of adverse effects, such as autoimmunity or insulin resistance. The review will be organized in three main sections: summary of 1) proposed methodology from both the principal investigator of the Song lab at the University of Maryland, College Park, Dr. Wenxia Song, and the predecessor of my project, Emma De Ravin, a current medical student; 2) peer reviewed literature related to the effect of inflammation of fat tissue in obese individuals by experts at Harvard and Millennium Pharmaceuticals; 3) literature related to the workings of the pancreas and histology of the pancreas by medical endocrinology researchers and physicians. Overall, the review aims to develop criteria for analyzing how specifically B cells may become pathogenic towards the visceral adipose tissue and the pancreas when in an obesogenic environment. Better understanding the immunological component of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, can open the doors for more treatments for affected individuals in the future.

I imagine a reader who is unconvinced of the connection between obesity, conditions like diabetes and chronic inflammation, and the immune system.

After reading this research review, I now see how obesogenic conditions may induce immune cells to cause symptoms like insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. I am now intrigued by the unique role that B cells may play in this cascade of diseases. I hope that others will also be able to realize that obesity is a multifaceted disease that is much more complex and has many more players than just the food we eat. In the future, I will keep in mind that there might be immune system targeting treatments for diseases like obesity-related insulin resistance or chronic inflammation.

May 10, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSF


Reading this is a real privilege: to see your work described here that is so worthy and stands alone. Yet, the work picks up a thread from another colleague, who happens to be a former student. Just such a joy and makes teaching more than the best job for me.

Ok, get busy.

And, may chickens be in your future.

May 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS