FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Guide to the Importance and Logistics of Collecting Insects in Maryland

ABSTRACT: This informative guide will be useful for everyone in this class when I cover the topics of insect collection and citizen science. It will discuss why and how we will be collecting insects and why it is so important that we do. Earlier this year (2019), a major, 19 page review paper was published in the journal Conservation Biology by Francisco Sánchez-Bayo and Kris A.G. Wyckhuys which looked at the drivers of global entomofauna decline. This means that there has been a trend of insect species going extinct. One way that we can help is to do some of our own collection and monitoring or insect populations right here in Maryland. A 2013 paper authored by twenty two entomologists and zoologists from leading research institutions around the world put out a call for a greater global collection of entomofauna. The collections we will be making in this class will be a response to this call and fit into the category of “citizen science.” Citizen science is when the general public participates in data collection and analysis in relation to the natural world. I will be explaining why and how to participate in citizen science in the main body of this guide. Topics I will address are: what to do when you come across a dangerous or endangered species while collecting, note taking in the field, basic collection and preservation techniques, and how you can use your collection to contribute to the greater project of monitoring insect decline globally.

WC: 247

READER PROFILE: This is a student who does not understand why insects are important and thinks that they are not impactful enough or interesting enough to be studied.

READER’S RESPONSE: This was a helpful guide and I now understand why we are studying insects. The rapid extinction of insects is definitely something I am concerned about and I would like to find a way to help. I really am not a fan of insects though. I do not like to get near them or for them to get near me. I wish that there were some resources included that discussed ways in which I could get involved without physically having to collect insects myself.

May 10, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHS

You can help this student like what insects do, rather than the insects themselves (I think this phobia might be hardwired, biologically).

Look at the economic valuation literature of the ecosystem services of insects.

And, look at charming links. Do you like chimpanzees? Much of their foundation diet protein comes from insects.

Spring and bird song would not be possible without insects.

And, food....

Looking forward to this one, because Cit Sci!

May 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS