FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A Guide to Paying for Medical School for Students and Applicants

Medical school is not just costing students burdensome amounts of debt, but society is losing doctors in less lucrative, but necessary fields. Prospective applicants may have the notion that they can just take out loans and that they will just pay it all back once they have a job. However, residencies and fellowships can add 3-8 years onto the length of schooling, during which loans are continuing to accrue interest and the students are making very little money. The quality of life during this period is not very glamorous as explained by Dr. Grossman. This FAQ sheet compiles resources and information about the various methods students can exploit to alleviate the debt burden. Advice is given on the best loan types and a discussion about the cost of specific schools. Service is a major avenue for paying for medical school and simultaneously helps with lack of primary care physicians. Also, a couple schools have switched to a tuition free model because the crisis of internal medicine doctors is so critical.

I picture my reader to be unconcerned with money and solely focused on getting in and succeeding in medical school.

I know that finances are important and impact my future, but if I do this for the right reason then it will all work out in the end. Afterall, I am trying to help people. However, I do feel more informed about what I am getting myself into after reading. I am still willing to go into debt to become a doctor, but I have a better sense of what my starting years will look like. I thought those service options were interesting and I may look into the military now.

May 10, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterCole Marra

C, looking for details here:

average loan burden
costs for instate
costs for outstate
costs for private
monthly load repayment

Do NOT forget these logos elements, which can help you hold the attention of those who may slide over this document.

More than a fact sheet but a guide! You can conclude with a fact sheet, if you like. Nice way to summarize or even advertise the larger guide.

Think in terms of section heads now.

May 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS