FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecosystem and its Impact on Health


Knowledge of the gut microbiota is expanding at a massive rate. Over the past few decades the research of bacteria and diseases involved have been extensively researched, but the surface has only just been scratched. A variety of studies have been made dealing with a variety of maladies such as diabetes, obesity, salmonella, etc. Even with all of this research, there is still a lack of information on how many possible factors there are that influence the gut. This review targets the basics of the gut microbiol and what the factors that influence it are. How do probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics contribute to the symbiosis of the gut? How do they affect the dysbiosis of the gut? And, what does the symbiosis and dysbiosis of the gut have to do with the health of its host? All of these states of the gut can be affected by environmental factors, dietary habits, extraneous drug intake, etc. The goal of this article is to provide a brief overview of the major influencers of proper and improper function of the gut microbiol.

Reader’s Profile

I think that one difficult reader would be apprehensive to believe that just by ingesting different foods, one would be able to get rid of obesity, diabetes, etc. I think they would not trust the potential of the gut microbiota. They would want more results and more definitive proof before they think about changing their mind about it.

Reader’s Response

So, if I just eat all of these commercially available pills of prebiotics and probiotics, then will all of my diseases just be cured? How can there be a different ecosystem in our gut that greatly modifies and influences our own health? Even though the research is increasing, that doesn’t mean that there have been solid results that can change our world yet. While there is potential, is this worth spending research money on as opposed to something more researched with similar potential to eradicate diseases?

May 10, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAT

A, might you be able to address this reader with a brief para, even if this appears as a textbook sidebar, on fermented foods and vegetable component of a diet helping with flora/fauna?

What does your PI/lab director think?

You could organize the center of your paper into these three sections:


Will that work? Nice pattern of three, within the lemon portion. You can begin with definition, review the research establishing these categories of active dietary supplements, then close section with new lines of inquiry? Or clinical procedures now used or those under testing?

Looking forward to reading this.

BTW, what about putting the clinical note I mentioned as a source?

May 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMbS