FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Navigating Stress and Anxiety as a College Student

If you are a college student currently, you are most likely feeling some kind of stress, whether it is coming from academics, relationships with friends and peers, or just because you feel overwhelmed by everything. That’s okay, and actually quite normal. Anxiety in college is a huge topic that many students struggle with, but don’t understand. This blog post is designed for those students! By understanding the way anxiety affects your body, you will have a better grasp on when you’re stressed, how stress manifests itself in you specifically, and what is actually going on in your body that’s making you feel this way. Once you understand what stress is, you will learn the different types of anxiety most commonly experienced by college students and where this anxiety comes from. Finally, you will be given a list of possible stress-relieving strategies that you can try when you start to feel overwhelmed. Some of these strategies will even come with anecdotes from people who actually used these strategies! Once reading this blog post, you will understand the big picture of what anxiety in college is, why it is so important to know how to control your anxiety, and what you can do to conquer your stress!
WC: 205

Reader’s Profile
I think the reader will be a college student who is so overwhelmed that they don’t think even my suggestions can help them. They feel alone and stressed, assuming no one feels as terrible as they do.

Reader’s Response
I understand where you’re coming from with trying to cure people’s anxiety, but I feel like you suggestions aren’t going to help me specifically. The sections about anxiety and how it works in the body were extremely helpful and allowed me to understand my stress instead of being scared of it. The diagram you included was also very beneficial. I also liked that you described the different kinds of anxiety, as I don’t feel so alone now, knowing that so many people are stressed in college. When reading through your stress-reducing strategies however, I don’t think that very many of them will actually help me. I wish you had included some links to other sources I could explore to find more strategies.

December 9, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterST

S, can you provide some referral links? Perhaps even short helpers like "Five Yoga Poses for Anxiety: video series" or Protein-based Snacks that can Help with Stress Eating?

Looking forward to this, along with RD's document: they seem like really good companion documents.

December 12, 2019 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea