FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > Computer Science: A Field Still Learning

The world is becoming more and more technical. Jobs are constantly being replaced by some sort of technology, yet not everyone is trained in technology and more importantly computer science. With an understanding of computer science, a person can more easily apply themselves to a wide array of technology because of the underlying understanding. A lot of people fear the idea of computer science because of the difficulty, lack of teamwork and poorly taught structure. Computer science in the grand scheme of education is new and still in a process of discovery for the best way to teach. The backbone of research has been focused on the recursive rainfall problem, a problem that tests the ability of a programmer to, take in input, handle input/ exceptions, process edge cases, use data structures, and implement techniques. The problem has been the central focus of researchers who teach computer science to new coders for over thirty years. New techniques for proper education are emerging such as pair programming, debugging focus, use of online tools, and HTDP driven approaches. The current paper focuses on the best way to implement this research on students specifically in the early CS classes at UMD (CMSC131/ CMSC 132). Three major takeaways will be presented as pivotal to success for teaching assistants, alongside a variety of methods with how to succeed.

WC = 223

Reader Profile:
I imagine a reader hesitant to believe everything that come out of this paper because I am only a second-year TA.

Reader Response:
The solutions that you propose are rather different and have not been used extensively in my own personal education. I find myself working long time periods alone trying to solve a problem whereas in my internship it is quite the opposite. Why do you believe that we are taught in such a manner? I do have to agree to start with OOP is potentially haphazardous but going down the functional route is a slippery slope within itself and more work has to be done to solidify one over another. Overall interesting perspective would be curious to know how your opinions and biases stack up to seasoned professors and TA over many courses and many semesters.

December 9, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterVD

V, are you changing your focus and audience a bit, to a more general address of CS/DS students? Email me for a brief side conversation OR visit me in office hours.

Looking forward to this document.

December 12, 2019 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea