FINAL PROJECT: Abstract and Reader's Reponse > A College Student's Guide to Obtaining a Summer Research Internship

ABSTRACT: Most students seeking degrees in biological sciences plan to pursue a graduate education, and a soft requirement for many graduate schools is research experience. Summer research internships serve as a useful tool for making productive use of a break, and also allow students to explore an area of potential academic interest. However, with all of the programs and information available to students, navigating the process of applying to a program can be difficult. In this guide I will provide students resources and guidance in applying to internships through programs, and independently. First, I will describe how to effectively narrow one’s research focus and find programs and investigators that are tailored to that area. Then I will describe the application process and how to compose emails to investigators and effectively interview. I will describe how to compose emails, write effective cover letters, and what other materials to provide researchers to demonstrate interest and competency. Then, I will conclude by describing the process of following up on the internship experience, asking for letters of recommendation, and presenting the research.
WC: 177

READER’S PROFILE: I imagine a student skeptical of their ability to obtain an internship when competing with students that already have research experience.

READER’S RESPONSE: Even though I do not have research experience, I have other skills to offer a lab, that I can highlight in an email or through my application. I am willing to learn and have a good understanding of the science behind what this lab has done. I can stand out by learning about the lab’s work by reading their publications and show the researchers that I am capable of learning quickly by mentioning some things I found interesting from their previous work.

December 10, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHS

H, you can help your student see that lab classes are also preparation for lab work. Students sometimes do not see lab time as work experience. How about add a sentence or three about this, to address this student comment.

Good project!

December 12, 2019 | Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea