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Directions require an audience analysis

as do all good documents. After you are clear about who you are writing for, from a novice to an experienced practioner, then you turn to the writing task.

Writing instructions, procedures, and directions requires simplicity. Rather than write paragraphs, use numbers, bullets, and document design. Above all, be audience-centered. Write with the USER in mind. 

  • Use short, concise phrases or sentences. Be consistent about choice of phrases or sentences.
  • Use active, descriptive words. Be consistent in both word choice.
  • Use bold, italic, and color to help key words, especially action verbs "pop." However, don't over-use these document design elements.
  • Use command structure:  lead with a verb.

Example:  Read how to avoid a being eaten by a cougar. Note the preparatory information, safety comments, limits to strategy, parallel structure, command structure, numbering, attention to detail.

For those thining about a recipe, PLEASE CLEAR WITH ME BY EMAIL.  Let's think about how to make bones of the dead.

A bit about visuals.  We will discuss in class.  However, we can look at this document to start the conversation.

For fun, then, enjoy these two science parodies.  Total gems.


Posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 06:39AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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