Revision through Friday
so bring digital copy all week. Today:
- items here for class discussion
- revising away all it and its (an exercise for you to learn this technique
- revising away all there is/there are (also an exercise; go to the NOUN or NOUN phrase immediately)
- sentences patterns, reposting from below
problem-solution frame
PLUS journalism details of Who (Larry Coffman); When (early 1990s); and Where (Prince George's County, MD). Building your ethos with his ethos and the reporter's eye for detail.
Sentence Patterns
Buffy and Sentences
Pitch the Verb
Wednesday: we will curate links and remove the formal citation, relying on links and signal phrases for what we call natural language citation. Have two additional links with really good visuals to include at the end of your revised memo.
Also: that classifying paragraph? We can deepen our writing practice for coherence by revising this large, baggy, "kitchen sink" paragraph with:
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